What is the best dessert? Its not brownies? Its not ice cream? Its cheesecake. Good cheesecake tastes so good, and yet at places like the "Cheesecake Factory" it is so expensive. And fattening. So sometimes you want to make some cheap, healthy cheesecake and here is a example of that.
9 inch graham cracker crust
2-8 ounces package Neufchatel cream cheese
2-8 ounce package fat free cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 cup reduced fat sour cream
2 large eggs plus 3 egg whites
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Beat both cream cheeses and the sugar with a mixer on medium high speed until smooth, 5 minutes, then beat in the sour cream on low. Lightly whisk the 3 egg whites in a bowl, then add to the cream cheese mixture along with2 whole eggs, flour, vanilla, and lemon zest. Beat on medium speed until fluffy, 3 minutes. Pour over the crust.
3. Place the cheesecake in a roasting pan and add enough warn water to come one quarter up the sides of the pan. Bake until the cake is set but still jiggles, about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Turn off the oven, and keep the cheesecake in there for another 20 minutes with the door closed.

4. Remove the cake from the water bath, and cool completley. Chill until firm, at least 8 hours. Top with whatever and enjoy.